Hi, I’m Lani! Thanks for taking the time to get to know a little about me. Let’s dive in with some quick facts!
I live here on the Sunshine Coast with three of my very own homemade humans
I was one of 11 candidates across Australia and New Zealand selected to represent Sony as a Digital Imaging Advocate for 2020-2023
Noosa is my favourite place in the world
I decided to study photography when my first son was born and I didn’t enjoy my newborn photoshoot experience. I got my diploma the following year and the rest is history
I have a pug called Carlos
I shoot with Sony mirrorless cameras
For my 40th birthday I did a 30km walk called Coastrek to raise money for Beyond Blue. It was one heck of an accomplishment for me
I used to photograph weddings. The highlight of my wedding photography career was shooting destination weddings overseas
I have serious anxiety. But don’t we all nowadays?
I laugh really loudly
I love photographing kids. Especially toddlers. It is magical the way they can immerse themselves in the moment and just radiate joy
I don’t just take photos, I paint portraits too